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Applying System Engineering and Advanced Technology to Realize the Potential of Human Development

Systems Modelling and Research Technologists provides our customers with a unique combination of  technical knowledge and skills to support activities that significantly impact their organization's primary objective. As the pace of  technological innovation accelerates and technology grows more complex and interdisciplinary, new systems engineering approaches are needed. We provide an integrative and holistic approach spanning multiple science and technology disciplines essential to the successful application of IT technology in both business and government sectors. 

Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive technology that helps create a new market value proposition through the identification and development of transformational computing and communications, artificial intelligence, human-machine interface, robotics, and biomedical engineering technologies.

Modeling & Simulation

New training and system performance assessment capabilities using autonomic constructive and virtual modeling and simulation methods and techniques.

System Engineering Support

System engineering technical support to enable rapid technology integration into product programs, increasing quality, reducing cost and schedule uncertainty with those programs. Provide total technology research (fundamental, applied, technology development, commercialization) aimed at new knowledge or new technological capabilities and transferring the provided improvements into the marketplace.

The mission and core competencies of Systems Modelling and Research Technologiests is to support our customers with innovative ideas and system engineering that will solve their problems in areas of IT technology research and development; autonomic computing and communications systems architecture development; IT systems requirements definition and gap analysis; and cybersecurity.

Helping you find the right IT solutions.

2. Total Technology Development

3. Disruptve Technoogy Innovation

1. Information Age IT Solutions

Systems Engineering Support


Disruptive Innovation

Modeling and Simulation

IT partner for the Information Age.


​System Engineering Support We are moving towards a complex future at a faster pace than many can imagine. Transfomational technology--computational systems, networked systems, artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, human-machine interface, and biomedical engineering--developments have potentially massive macro/micro scioecomonic impact--positive and negative. However, it creates uncertainty and many unanswered questions. We have the technology. We have the capability to achieve better business outcomes.


Disruptive Innovation Our disruptive technologies may be grouped into two categories: (1) those that start by figuring out how new ideas may solve our customers' problems and (2) those that start with an R&D project for a specific government agency's technology need. By looking ahead in areas of science and cutting-edge technology and through SBIR programs we become experienced with a new technology before it becomes a working solutions basis for our customers.

Modeling and Simulation We focus on applying innovative modeling and simulation to support training and to systems problems such as systems analysis, systems inference, and systems design. This includes (1) estimating cost, schedule, and effort for system development, production and operation; (2) supporting predictive analysis and optimization; and (3) decision support to address specific management, planning, and operation challenges across a variety of industry and government domains.   

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